February 2, 2025
gifts Karachi

It is also known as Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine. In many parts of the world, February 14 is a major cultural, religious, and commercial festival of passion and love, which evolved from its origins as a Christian festival day honoring either one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine with great folk traditions.

Why is Valentine’s Day celebrated?

Saint Valentine of Rome, who was imprisoned for helping persecuted Christians in Rome during the third century, is just one of several February 14 figures associated with martyrdom stories. There is an old tale that claims Saint Valentine gave vision to the blind daughter of her jailer. An 18th-century embellishment to the narrative states he penned a farewell letter to the jailer’s daughter signed “Your Valentine” before his execution, while another version holds that Saint Valentine officiated weddings for Christian soldiers despite the ban on marriage at the time.

Importance of the Valentine’s day –

In the 14th and 15th centuries, when ideas of courtly love flourished, Valentine’s Day reportedly became connected with romantic love because of the “lovebirds” of early spring. It became a popular day for lovers to show their affection for one another by exchanging flowers, sweets, and cards in 18th-century England (known as “valentines”). Today, the heart, doves, and the winged figure of Cupid are all common symbols associated with Valentine’s Day. Cards with preprinted messages have replaced handwritten ones since the nineteenth century. In Italy, Saint Valentine’s Keys are presented to youngsters to fend off epilepsy (named Saint Valentine’s Malady) and to couples as a romantic symbol and an invitation to unlock the giver’s heart.”

Even though the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church recognize February 14 as a feast day, no government recognizes Saint Valentine’s Day as a national holiday. Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated by several branches of the Eastern Orthodox Church on July 6 in honor of Saint Valentine the Roman presbyter and on July 30 in honor of Saint Valentine the Bishop of Interamna (modern Terni).

Gift amazing cakes on St. Valentine’s Day:

Here to satisfy your sweet tooth on Valentine’s Day is our brand new, extensive selection of cakes. The designer cakes, with their intricate designs and delectable topping, are unrivaled, while Royal Rich Bakery’s special Split cakes are a unique way of enjoying two flavors in one delicious dessert.

Try the best Valentine’s Day Sweets:

Everyone, regardless of age or gender, appreciates the classic pairing of chocolates and flowers. If you’re looking for a way to send Valentines Day gifts to Karachi, look no further than our selection of gift baskets.

Get the best chocolate gift basket –

Our chocolate gift basket is guaranteed to be a hit on Valentine’s Day with any woman on your list. If you really want to express how you feel, our basket of Teddy bears and chocolates will do the trick, and a slice of cake on the side will be the icing on the cake. In addition, we stock a curated selection of J. and Fa’ra perfumes that would make lovely Valentine’s Day presents for your loved ones in Pakistan.


Gifts given on Valentine’s Day need not be limited to a couple’s romantic interest. Choose one of our name-brand watches and send your father in Pakistan some Valentine’s Day flowers to show how much you care about him even though you’re separated by a great distance. If your mother enjoys wearingjewelry, you may want to consider send cakes to Karachi, which range from simple to elaborate.

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