October 22, 2024
insurance compulsory

It all depends on your situation. Insuring can be an obligation:

imposed by law: this is the case, for example, for the ten-year liability of building companies, for vehicles, for premises, for the additional social protection of your employees (mutual insurance), etc.
imposed by the texts governing the activity: this is the case, for example, for travel agencies, real estate agents, etc.
It is therefore important to find out about the insurance obligations related to your activity . To do this, obtain the Projectors file dedicated to your activity, if there is one, and consult the Regulated activities section of this site.

Warning ! Even if your activity does not require you to take out insurance, do not neglect this step and think about the risks you are taking. You can cause an accident at a customer’s or in your premises… and even in front of it by opening the door of your car for example! No situation is completely risk-free. You must enjoy:

the risks that your company will be able to bear (breakage of windows, furniture, signs, etc.) taking into account its financial capacity,

those that it is preferable, even essential, to transfer to the insurer (fire, explosion, etc.).

Goods constitute an important part of your company’s assets: premises, equipment, stocks, fittings, production tools, computer systems, vehicles, etc. It is strongly recommended to protect all of these goods against the risk of fire, explosion, storm, water damage, theft…

Many are the situations in which your liability could be sought in the event of damage caused in the course of your activity. It is therefore strongly recommended, even if you are not subject to it , to take out civil liability insurance for operation, and/or occupation of the premises, and/or operating losses, and/or damage to the environment, etc. .
More information on insurance for your business

In addition, there are specific risks for certain activities which can be covered by the following insurance policies:Get in touch with professional organizations in your sector of activity who can, if necessary, refer you to specialized insurance companies.

Personal insurance: you, your spouse, your employees (sickness, welfare, retirement, unemployment, etc.)
Your company is subject to a conventional and legal framework which imposes certain obligations on you in terms of social protection (retirement, welfare) with regard to your employees.

Note that since January 1, 2016, all employees of private sector companies must benefit from complementary health insurance (mutual) with a minimum coverage of guarantees called the “care basket”. The company must participate in the financing of these guarantees at a minimum of 50%.

This obligation only concerns employees, the company remaining free to insure or not the spouses and children of employees. It is not possible to exclude employees but cases of exemption from affiliation are provided for by the regulations.

The establishment of a collective insurance contract allows the company to benefit from tax and social benefits.
Find out more about this obligation

Apart from this obligation of mutual insurance for your employees, it is advisable to ensure the protection of everyone, including during business trips, and of course not to forget:
– nor your own protection needs as a business manager ,
– nor those of your spouse. More information on personal insurance

Who to contact for insurance?

Play the competition! Compare the offers that will be made to you and above all make sure you have a good explanation, in detail, of the coverage that is offered to you. You can contact :

An insurance company without an intermediary (company or mutual), ie a company that provides insurance services directly, possibly via the Internet.
Some of them are specialized in a type of insurance (eg provident insurance) or in an activity (eg architecture).

– a general insurance agent, who represents one or more insurance companies in a specific geographical area,
– a broker who will find an insurer for you. He has a role of adviser and negotiator to build coverage adapted to your situation,

To find out more about intermediaries: read the fact sheet
Can’t find an insurer? This situation can arise if you are embarking on a new or particularly risky activity, or if you do not have enough experience in your sector of activity. In such a case, contact your professional organizations , which will most certainly be able to guide you.

If it is a legal insurance obligation (ten-year insurance for example), you can contact the Central Pricing Office (BTC) . This is an organization set up by the public authorities to allow an insured (subject by law to an insurance obligation and who cannot find an insurer agreeing to guarantee him) to meet his obligation.

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